Browsing by Author Piščanc, Jordan

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Nov-2024The Barcelona Declaration at the University of Milan: how to enable Open Research Information with free open tools such as DSpace-CRISGalimberti, Paola ; Piščanc, Jordan ; Buso, Irene 
28-Nov-2024COAR Notify Project one year later: from the wireframe to the first official releasesPiščanc, Jordan ; Buso, Irene 
9-Jun-2016Regional Portal FVG: effective interoperability through DSpace-CRIS and open standardsPiščanc, Jordan ; Trampus, Romano ; Balbi, Luisa ; Mennielli, Michele ; Mornati, Susanna ; Pascarelli, Luigi Andrea ; Bollini, Andrea 
15-Jun-2018Regional Research Portal UnityFVG: an OpenScience portalPiščanc, Jordan ; Trampus, Romano ; Mornati, Susanna ; Bollini, Andrea 
10-Jun-2019Regional Research Portal UnityFVG: DSpace-CRIS interoperability with CERIF standardPiščanc, Jordan