Browsing by Author Schöpfel, Joachim

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Showing results 10 to 23 of 23 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Jun-2018Quality Issues of CRIS DataAzeroual, Otmane ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
22-Feb-2019Quality issues of CRIS data: an exploratory investigation with universities from twelve countriesAzeroual, Otmane ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
18-May-2019Quality of Research Information in RIS Databases: A Multidimensional ApproachAzeroual, Otmane ; Saake, Gunter ; Abuosba, Mohammad ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
9-Jun-2016Research Data in Current Research Information SystemsSchöpfel, Joachim ; Prost, Hélène ; Rebouillat, Violaine 
13-May-2022Research Information Systems and Ethics relating to Open ScienceSchöpfel, Joachim ; Azeroual, Otmane ; De Castro, Pablo 
30-Sep-2019Research Intelligence (CRIS) and the Cloud: A ReviewAzeroual, Otmane ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
8-Dec-2021Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well-functioning PID infrastructure for researchDe Castro, Pablo ; Herb, Ulrich ; Rothfritz, Laura ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
15-Jun-2023The Role of Universities in the Implementation of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)De Castro, Pablo ; Herb, Ulrich ; Rothfritz, Laura ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
11-May-2015The SAFARI Syndrome: ImplementingCRIS and Open ScienceSchöpfel, Joachim 
27-Jun-2024Sharing knowledge and expertise in the field of current research information systemsDe Castro, Pablo ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
18-Sep-2019Solving problems of research information heterogeneity during integration – using the European CERIF and German RCD standards as examplesAzeroual, Otmane ; Saake, Gunter ; Abuosba, Mohammad ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
12-May-2022Some reflections on the current PID landscape – with an emphasis on risks and trust issuesDe Castro, Pablo ; Herb, Ulrich ; Rothfritz, Laura ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
28-Nov-2018Text data mining and data quality management for research information systems in the context of open data and open scienceAzeroual, Otmane ; Saake, Gunter ; Abuosba, Mohammad ; Schöpfel, Joachim 
2-Dec-2022What Does DORA Mean for CRIS?Schöpfel, Joachim ; Azeroual, Otmane