Showing results 1 to 20 of 1090
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Aug-2002 | Research Information and Strategic Decision Making | Tomlin, Richard |
Aug-2002 | What’s your question? The need for research information from the perspective of different user groups | Koopmans, Nieske Iris |
Aug-2002 | CRIS-Cross: Research Information Systems at a Crossroads | Zimmerman, Eric H. |
Aug-2002 | DBClear: A Generic System for Clearinghouses | Hellweg, Heiko ; Hermes, Bernd ; Stempfhuber, Maximilian ; Enderle, W. ; Fischer, T. |
Aug-2002 | Is there any user for this CRIS? | Lepori, Benedetto ; Cantoni, Lorenzo |
Aug-2002 | AARLIN: Seamless information delivery to researchers | Parker, Doreen ; Gow, Earle ; Lim, Edward |
Aug-2002 | SEAL - a SEmantic portAL with content management functionality | Staab, Steffen ; Studer, Rudi ; Sure, York ; Volz, Raphael |
Aug-2002 | Accessing the Outputs of Scientific Projects | Matthews, Brian ; Wilson, Michael D. ; Kleese Van Dam, Kerstin |
Aug-2002 | Development of a central Knowledge Transfer Platform in a highly decentralised environment | Ulmer, Dominik ; Birkenmeier, Beat |
Aug-2002 | Effectiveness of tagging laboratory data using Dublin Core in an electronic scientific notebook | Bartolo, Laura M. ; Lowe, Cathy S. ; Melton, Austin C. ; Strah, Monica ; Feng, Louis ; Woolverton, Christopher J. |
Aug-2002 | Discovery of patterns of scientific and technological development and knowledge transfer | Van Raan, Anthony F. J. ; Noyons, Ed C. M. |
Aug-2002 | Metasearch engine for Austrian research information | Andricík, Marek |
Aug-2002 | Weaving the Web of European social science | Ryssevik, Jostein |
Aug-2002 | Proposals for a new flexible and extensible XML-model for exchange of research information | Vindvad, Jens ; Øverby, Erlend |
Aug-2002 | Integration via Meaning: Using the Semantic Web to deliver Web Services | Matthews, Brian |
Aug-2002 | Current Research Information as Part of Digital Libraries and the Heterogeneity Problem | Krause, Jürgen |
Aug-2002 | CERIF: Past, Present and Future: An Overview | Asserson, Anne ; Jeffery, Keith G. ; Lopatenko, Andrei |
Aug-2002 | International Research Information System: Support to Science Management | Mons, Barend ; Van Kessel, Renée ; Mons, Albert ; Strijp, Ruud ; Schijvenaars, Bob ; Van Mulligen, Erik |
Aug-2002 | Information Retrieval in Distributed Environments Based on Context-Aware, Proactive Documents | Friedrich, Michael ; Schimkat, Ralf-Dieter ; Küchlin, Wolfgang |
Aug-2002 | Comparative Study of Metadata for Scientific Information: The Place of CERIF in CRISs and Scientific Repositories | Jeffery, Keith G. ; Lopatenko, Andrei ; Asserson, Anne |