Browsing by Subject National Information Processing Institute (OPI)

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Jun-2023Beyond CRIS: A research and higher education information system in PolandTomczyńska, Aldona ; Ostrowska, Sylwia ; Protasiewicz, Jarosław ; Podwysocki, Emil 
27-Nov-2018Central systems for collecting data on science and higher education -- role and evolution in the light of the Polish LegislationMichajłowicz, Marek ; Paszkowska, Małgorzata 
Jun-2023Information technology systems that support science and higher education RAD-on: Reports, analyses, dataBiałas, Marcin ; Błaszczyk, Łukasz ; Dadas, Sławomir ; Knapińska, Anna ; Mirończuk, Marcin ; Ostrowska, Sylwia ; Podwysocki, Emil ; Tomczyńska, Aldona 
23-Nov-2023Ludzie Nauki ('People of Science'): A new CRIS for PolandKorytkowski, Przemysław 
16-May-2024Ludzie Nauki: A national CRIS for PolandKorytkowski, Przemysław ; Michajłowicz, Marek 
16-May-2024RAD-on: A research and higher education information system in PolandTomczyńska, Aldona ; Podwysocki, Emil