Showing results 1 to 20 of 26
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
18-Jun-2021 | Ciencia Abierta y Sistemas de Gestión de la Información Científica (CRIS) | De Castro, Pablo |
27-Apr-2021 | Comentario al Panel 1: Los sistemas nacionales de información científica y la contribución de los repositorios institucionales y los CRIS al diseño de indicadores de evaluación | De Castro, Pablo |
9-Nov-2016 | EKT’s roadmap on research information management in Greece | Karampekios, Nikolaos ; Androutsopoulou, Maro |
22-Nov-2017 | From data collection to FAIR use in CRIS. The case of University of Vienna | Miniberger, Clemens ; Reding, Steve |
Nov-2018 | From Data Collection to FAIR Use in CRIS. The Case of University of Vienna | Miniberger, Clemens ; Reding, Steve |
25-Nov-2020 | The Hércules Project: A Semantic Research System for Universities | Hernández Mora Martínez, Reyes |
25-Nov-2020 | The Hércules Project: A System for Universities with Semantically Enriched Research Data | Fernández Breis, Jesualdo Tomás |
12-May-2022 | The Hércules Project: An Update | Hernández Mora Martínez, Reyes |
20-Nov-2019 | The Hércules Semantic University Research Data project | Hernández Mora Martínez, Reyes |
20-Nov-2019 | HÉRCULES: Semantic of Universities Research Data | Vizcaíno, Francisco J. ; Hernández Mora Martínez, Reyes ; Martínez, Isabel |
11-May-2015 | Implementation of CERIF-based infrastructure for enabling CRIS adoption in the Greek academia | Bonis, Vasilis ; Pougounias, Nikos ; Karaiskos, Dimitris |
2-Dec-2022 | Introducing the RIS Synergy project-led national/regional research portals WG | Neff, Sabine ; Greil, Michael ; Fürst, Elena |
24-Nov-2020 | The Israeli CRIS-IL Project | Rabinowitz, Gad ; Berger, Dror |
2-Dec-2022 | The New Zealand Research Information System (NZRIS) | Hannah, Angela ; Davies, Dafydd ; Dangerfield, Chris ; Van der Wat, Cuwan ; Hancock, Matthew |
8-Mar-2022 | An overview of the CRIS infrastructure available in Europe - and (simplified) models for its development | De Castro, Pablo |
22-Nov-2017 | P-O-P-F project in The Netherlands: using CERIF-XML for exchange of information about funded projects | Simons, Eduard |
2-Dec-2022 | PeruCRIS national CRIS is live | Gómez Razza, Víctor |
23-Nov-2020 | The #PeruCRIS Project | Olivares-Poggi, César-Augusto |
13-May-2022 | PeruCRIS: Scope and progress in the implementation of the first release of the Peruvian CRIS platform | Córdova, Claudia ; Gómez Razza, Víctor ; Del Carpio, Abel ; Talavera, Francisco |
23-Nov-2020 | The PerúCRIS Project (II) | Maza, Alfonso |