Browsing by Subject NARCIS
Showing results 2 to 6 of 6
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
11-Nov-2014 | Going Dutch: Aggregating Research Information and Research Data Services | Doorn, Peter |
29-May-2019 | Mapping the NARCIS aggregated domain to the OpenAIRE CERIF model | Steinhoff, Wilko |
12-May-2015 | Measurement of research impact in OpenAIRE 2020: via text mining or the CRISs? | Dijk, Elly |
3-Jun-2010 | Users in the spotlight: study on the use of the Dutch scientific portal NARCIS, 2009 | Dijk, Elly ; Hogenaar, Arjan ; Van Meel, Marga |
5-Nov-2012 | Visualization of NARCIS: a network of experts and knowledge organization in the Netherlands | Dijk, Elly |