Browsing by Subject national CRIS

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Showing results 26 to 45 of 79 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2023Dialnet CRIS: Data Aggregation to build a National CRISSánchez, Oscar 
28-Sep-2021El papel de los sistemas CRIS nacionales en la implantación de la ciencia abiertaDe Castro, Pablo 
13-May-2022An ETL Strategy for Integrating the LA Referencia Platform and VIVO for the Brazilian CRISSilva, Vivian S. ; Matas, Lautaro ; Moreira, Tales ; Segundo, Washington C. 
9-Jun-2016FRIS R3 - CERIF XML in large scale exchange of research informationVestdam, Thomas ; Plauborg, Brian ; Van Campe, Leen 
11-Nov-2014FRIS: a Research Information Infrastructure in Flanders. Integrating the Aspects of Interoperability, Policy and GovernanceVan Grootel, Geert 
27-Nov-2024Handling research infrastructures within Research.fiNikkanen, Joonas 
29-May-2019How opening up data on publicly funded research became a driver of innovation in Flanders. The use case of FRISVan Campe, Leen 
15-Jun-2018Implementation of the Evaluation of Researchers' Bibliographies in SloveniaCurk, Lidija 
9-Nov-2016Implementation of the Greek CRIS and how did we get thereKotsikaris, Gregory 
12-May-2022Implementing CRIS Interfaces with RIS Synergy: Challenges and Opportunities of a Multidisciplinary Bottom-Up ApproachNeff, Sabine ; Hartmann, Simone ; Hicker, Ulrike ; Erat, Vanessa ; Fürst, Elena 
23-Nov-2023Integrating ORCID in institutional and national CRISMarín Arraiza, Paloma 
6-Jun-2008Joint European Research Information Systems (RIS): Activities and Recommendations of an ESF-EUROHORCS Working GroupMugabushaka, Alexis-Michel 
15-Jun-2018Linking funding to research output and facilities through the Finnish Research Information HubPuuska, Hanna-Mari ; Rydman, Walter 
15-May-2024A list of recommendations to improve the workflow of dataset metadata in the Flemish research landscapeNeyens, Evy ; Dhollander, Evelien ; Bloemen, Dieuwertje ; Leonard, Kevin ; Brebels, Werner ; Wuyts, Tom ; Dengis, Pascale ; Portier, Marc ; Poelmans, Hanne 
23-Nov-2023Ludzie Nauki ('People of Science'): A new CRIS for PolandKorytkowski, Przemysław 
16-May-2024Ludzie Nauki: A national CRIS for PolandKorytkowski, Przemysław ; Michajłowicz, Marek 
29-May-2019Mapping the NARCIS aggregated domain to the OpenAIRE CERIF modelSteinhoff, Wilko 
11-May-2006NARCIS - Integrating CRIS, OAI and Web CrawlingDijk, Elly ; Hogenaar, Arjan ; Van Meel, Marga 
7-Jun-2012A National CRIS Infrastructure as the Cornerstone of Transparency in the Research DomainChudlarský, Tomáš ; Dvořák, Jan 
7-Jun-2012A National Current Research Information System for SwedenJohansson, Åke ; Ottosson, Mats Ola