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Showing results 103 to 122 of 1090 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Aug-2015CERIF API Header XSD (v1.0)Houssos, Nikos ; Karaiskos, Dimitris 
31-Aug-2015CERIF API Main XSD (v1.0)Houssos, Nikos ; Karaiskos, Dimitris 
31-Aug-2015CERIF API Payload XSD (v1.0)Houssos, Nikos ; Karaiskos, Dimitris 
10-Nov-2015CERIF API: Access and reuse research information in CRISKaraiskos, Dimitris ; Bonis, Vasilis ; Pougounias, Nikos 
13-May-2013CERIF CRIS UK landscape study: work in progress reportRussell, Rosemary 
9-Jun-2016A CERIF description of an OA Policy to ease monitoring complianceBrasse, Valérie ; Jeffery, Keith G. ; Asserson, Anne ; Rémy, Laurent 
3-Jul-2015CERIF et RéférentielsBrasse, Valérie 
7-Jun-2012CERIF for Datasets (C4D) – An OverviewGinty, Kevin ; Kerridge, Simon ; Fairley, Paul ; Henderson, Ryan ; Cranner, Paul ; Bokma, Albert ; Garfield, Sheila 
9-Jun-2012CERIF in Action: Synthesise, standardise and productionise CERIF for Higher Education InstitutionsClements, Anna ; Brander, Scott ; McCutcheon, Valerie ; Brown, Josh ; Heenan, Dale ; Vestdam, Thomas 
10-Nov-2015The CERIF profile in the OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS ManagersDvořák, Jan 
1-Dec-2022The CERIF Refactoring Pilot project: an updateDvořák, Jan ; Ivanović, Dragan 
31-Aug-2015CERIF REST API Specification v1.0Houssos, Nikos ; Karaiskos, Dimitris 
8-Jun-2016CERIF Tutorial [CRIS2016 St Andrews]Brasse, Valérie 
17-Sep-2018CERIF Tutorial [University of Bern]Dvořák, Jan 
18-Nov-2019CERIF Tutorial: Autumn 2019 Münster strategic membership meetingDvořák, Jan ; Brasse, Valérie 
30-Nov-2022CERIF Tutorial: Autumn 2022 Strategic Membership Meeting NijmegenDvořák, Jan 
13-Jun-2018CERIF Tutorial: CRIS2018 Conference UmeåDvořák, Jan 
11-May-2022CERIF Tutorial: CRIS2022 DubrovnikDvořák, Jan 
14-May-2024CERIF Tutorial: CRIS2024 ViennaIvanović, Dragan 
25-May-2011CERIF Tutorial: euroCRIS Spring 2011 membership meetingJörg, Brigitte