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Showing results 1070 to 1089 of 1090 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Sep-2019VIVO Data Integration at TIB: Tools, workflows & connections with VIVO (as a CRIS and a RIMS)Hauschke, Christian ; Walther, Tatiana 
17-Jun-2020VIVO in the euroCRIS Directory of Research Information Systems (DRIS): a growing presence, multiple use casesDe Castro, Pablo 
23-Jun-2022The VIVO ProjectGuillaumet, Anna 
29-May-2019VIVO, REF and KDSF – Local initiatives in a configurable CRISGarcia, Miguel ; Nebiu, Kadri 
10-Sep-2012VIVO: vision of research information 2020Conlon, Michael 
10-Jun-2016VRE4EIC: A Europe-wide Interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower Multidisciplinary Research Communities and Accelerate Innovation and CollaborationBrasse, Valérie 
16-May-2024Vytautas Magnus University Research Management System: A CRIS solution shared with other universities in LithuaniaKučiukas, Vilius ; Bloveščiūnienė, Lina 
20-Nov-2019Walking towards integrating CRIS and repository at the UPF: The CRIS/IR interoperability ProjectGuillaumet, Anna ; Blanco, Elena ; Casaldàliga, Anna ; Losada, Marina 
9-Nov-2016Ways forward with CERIFMoreira, João Mendes 
2015The weakest link of Office 365 securitySyynimaa, Nestori 
Aug-2002Weaving the Web of European social scienceRyssevik, Jostein 
17-May-2024What could current research information be used for?Schneider, Jens 
2-Dec-2022What Does DORA Mean for CRIS?Schöpfel, Joachim ; Azeroual, Otmane 
1-Jul-2021What if... Research information systems could truly interoperate?Vancauwenbergh, Sadia 
16-May-2024What to integrate within Research Information SystemRybiński, Henryk ; Koperwas, Jakub ; Skonieczny, Łukasz ; Wasiluk, Michał 
Aug-2002What’s your question? The need for research information from the perspective of different user groupsKoopmans, Nieske Iris 
14-May-2022“Where have all the papers gone?”: Investigating why some papers are not reported in a CRISDvořák, Jan ; Chudlarský, Tomáš ; Špaček, Josef 
5-Nov-2012Working out a CERIF-based Data Model for Argos CRIS at SIGMACuní, Núria ; Poy, José Luis 
10-May-2010Workshop on CRIS, CERIF and Institutional Repositories: Welcome to ParticipantsAvveduto, Sveva ; Arata, Manuela 
3-Dec-2020Worldwide implementation of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS): a case study for Asia and ChinaDe Castro, Pablo ; Dvořák, Jan