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Showing results 702 to 721 of 1090 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Apr-2014OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers: Supporting interoperability of Open Research Information through established standardsHoussos, Nikos ; Jörg, Brigitte ; Dvořák, Jan ; Príncipe, Pedro ; Rodrigues, Eloy ; Manghi, Paolo ; Elbæk, Mikael Karstensen 
14-May-2014OpenAIRE Guidelines: supporting interoperability for Literature Repositories, Data Archives and CRISPríncipe, Pedro ; Rettberg, Najla ; Rodrigues, Eloy ; Elbæk, Mikael Karstensen ; Schirrwagen, Jochen ; Houssos, Nikos ; Jörg, Brigitte 
25-Nov-2021OpenAIRE services: CRIS registration, Lightweight FAIR assessment, and Open Science ObservatoryCzerniak, Andreas 
1-Dec-2022OpenAIRE workflow for CRIS harvesting and first applicationsCzerniak, Andreas 
27-Nov-2018OpenAIRE's network of competencies: National Open Access Desks across EuropeStarczewski, Michał 
11-Nov-2015OpenAire2020: The Open Research Data PilotDijk, Elly 
10-Sep-2012OpenAIREplus – Research Information 2020Rettberg, Najla 
2-Mar-2019Opening up the 'treasure chests': the use of Research Information Management Systems for Open Science implementation at research librariesDe Castro, Pablo 
27-Nov-2018Operation of CRIS system in the constantly changing environmentKubrak, Weronika 
24-Jun-2021ORBIS: VIVO as an institutional CRIS Portal at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, MéxicoPortillo-Vázquez, Irene Carmen ; Amaya Varela, Claudia Lizett 
10-Nov-2015ORCID and CERIFDemeranville, Tom 
31-May-2017An ORCID based synchronization framework for a national CRIS ecosystemMoreira, João Mendes 
10-Nov-2015ORCID in Pure – Elsevier Research IntelligenceAlroe, Bo 
15-May-2024ORCID myths and misconceptions, and the search for truth in the context of current research information systems (CRIS)Alsina, Francisco ; Gumpenberger, Christian 
22-Nov-2017ORCID Update: Projects Old and NewBrown, Josh 
31-May-2023An organizational approach for discipline prediction in research projectsPham, Hoang-Son ; Eldin, Amr Ali ; Poelmans, Hanne 
23-Jun-2022Organizing Scientific Contributions with the Open Research Knowledge GraphAuer, Sören 
5-Nov-2012Our experience integrating CRIS (Universitas XXI–Investigación) and OARRivera, Manuel ; Moreno, Roberto 
8-Mar-2022An overview of the CRIS infrastructure available in Europe - and (simplified) models for its developmentDe Castro, Pablo 
9-Sep-2013An Overview of the Research Information Metadata EcosystemJeffery, Keith G.