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Showing results 293 to 312 of 1090 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-May-2024e-Infrastructures for Research and EducationHanslik, Stefan 
14-Nov-2013Eco-systems of research information systems: a global perspectiveMoreira, João Mendes 
31-May-2023ECOOM: a strategic partner for the Flanders Research Information Space (FRIS)Poelmans, Hanne 
Aug-2002Effectiveness of tagging laboratory data using Dublin Core in an electronic scientific notebookBartolo, Laura M. ; Lowe, Cathy S. ; Melton, Austin C. ; Strah, Monica ; Feng, Louis ; Woolverton, Christopher J. 
9-Nov-2016EKT’s roadmap on research information management in GreeceKarampekios, Nikolaos ; Androutsopoulou, Maro 
28-Sep-2021El papel de los sistemas CRIS nacionales en la implantación de la ciencia abiertaDe Castro, Pablo 
16-Jan-2024El valor de los sistemas CRIS en materia de apoyo a la investigaciónDe Castro, Pablo 
18-Jan-2022El valor de los sistemas CRIS para proporcionar soporte a la investigaciónDe Castro, Pablo 
7-Jun-2012The Electronic Journals Library (EZB): An international internet service with features for the integration into the scientific information environmentBall, Rafael 
9-Jun-2015Electronic Management of Assessment and Assessment Analytics: Hot TopicsMasson, Alan 
14-May-2014Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Current Research Information SystemsSchöpfel, Joachim ; Zendulková, Danica ; Fatemi, Omid 
20-Nov-2019ELFI (Servicestelle für ELektronische ForschungsförderInformationen): A New Approach to InteroperabilityEsch, Andreas 
9-Jun-2015EMA: a lifecycle approachFerrell, Gill 
14-May-2014Emerging good practice in managing research data and research information within UK UniversitiesDavidson, Joy ; Molloy, Laura ; Jones, Sarah ; Kejser, Ulla Bøgvad 
25-Jun-2015The emerging role of Institutional CRIS in facilitating Open ScholarshipClements, Anna ; Proven, Jackie 
11-May-2006Enabling Interaction and Quality in a Distributed Data DRISBrandt, D. Scott ; Mullins, James L. ; Witt, Michael 
13-May-2013EnArgus – Federal Research Database on Energy ResearchWirth, Hans-Christoph 
14-Nov-2013ENGAGE project: a short updateBrasse, Valérie 
10-Jun-2019Enhancing interoperability: the implementation of OpenAIRE Guidelines and COAR NGR Recommendations in CRIS/RIMSMornati, Susanna 
10-Jun-2019Enhancing Open Access at Cambridge: Apollo repository and CRIS integrationsMartínez García, Agustina