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Showing results 439 to 458 of 1090 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Nov-2019Hamburg Open Science: DSpace-CRIS @ TU HamburgGoldschmidt, Oliver ; Rajski, Beate 
27-Nov-2024Handling research infrastructures within Research.fiNikkanen, Joonas 
13-May-2014Harmonising and Formalising Research Administration Profiles - CASRAI/CERIFJörg, Brigitte ; Höllrigl, Thorsten ; Baker, David 
13-May-2014Harmonising Research Reporting in the UK – Experiences and output from UKRISSJörg, Brigitte ; Waddington, Simon ; Jones, Richard ; Trowell, Stephen 
13-May-2013Harmonizing classification schemes for organisations and subjects between a local and a national CRISHerwig, Sebastian ; Tusch, Christian 
13-May-2013The Health Research Classification SystemViney, Ian 
13-May-2013Health Research Classification Systems – Current Approaches and Future Recommendations [ESF Policy Brief]Nogueira, Maria Manuela 
19-Nov-2019HeFIS - the Hessian federal CRIS-initiativeAlmering, Julia 
16-Jun-2018Hello CRIS, can a Library Software solution help you?Baccarne, Rudi 
25-Nov-2020The Hércules Project: A Semantic Research System for UniversitiesHernández Mora Martínez, Reyes 
25-Nov-2020The Hércules Project: A System for Universities with Semantically Enriched Research DataFernández Breis, Jesualdo Tomás 
12-May-2022The Hércules Project: An UpdateHernández Mora Martínez, Reyes 
20-Nov-2019The Hércules Semantic University Research Data projectHernández Mora Martínez, Reyes 
20-Nov-2019HÉRCULES: Semantic of Universities Research DataVizcaíno, Francisco J. ; Hernández Mora Martínez, Reyes ; Martínez, Isabel 
10-Sep-2012Horizon 2020 Vision of Research Information: Accelerating Research, Development & InnovationRivalle, Guillaume 
3-Jun-2010How a CRIS can drive improvements in information managementClements, Anna ; Reddy, Helen 
27-Sep-2021How institutions deal with the early stage project management workflowsVancauwenbergh, Sadia 
29-May-2019How opening up data on publicly funded research became a driver of innovation in Flanders. The use case of FRISVan Campe, Leen 
14-Jun-2018How to build a CRIS-system relevant for your institution, allowing the researchers to do research rather than administrationLindholm, Jessica ; Ljungklint, Karin 
31-May-2023How to collect and manage data in data-driven evaluation processesKoperwas, Jakub