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Showing results 561 to 580 of 1090 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-May-2004Keep the Best – Forget the Rest? Towards Models for CRISs Integrating Heterogeneous InformationStempfhuber, Maximilian 
12-Sep-2011The key is metadataBaker, David 
16-May-2024KISSUBITUC – is that AI?Schüßler, Wolfgang ; Eichler, Katrin ; Berger, Katharina ; Engfer, Andreas 
10-Sep-2013Knowledge and Technology TransferCerle, Gaber 
16-May-2024Knowledge Graphs – The Future of Integration in CRIS Systems for Uses of Assistance to Scientific ReasoningFabre, Renaud ; Azeroual, Otmane 
31-May-2023KU Leuven RDR: Setting up an institutional research data repository in the Flemish open science contextBloemen, Dieuwertje 
26-Oct-2022La gestión de la información de investigación desde el CRIS SII-San Marcos: desafíos y oportunidadesDe Castro, Pablo 
28-Jun-2024La importancia de los sistemas CRIS en la gestión de la investigación en universidades: una perspectiva internacionalDe Castro, Pablo 
20-Nov-2019Large Research Infrastructure Building using FAIR Digital ObjectsWittenburg, Peter 
5-Nov-2012Launching the new ORCID service for global author identificationGarcía Gómez, Consol 
9-Jun-2015LEAP: Adaptive technology in the ClassroomSyed, Ravi 
2015LEARNING TO LINK-IN Teaching undergraduate sport students how to professionally network via social media using a Pebblepad platformCameron, Andrea ; Maxwell, Carol ; Cobley, James 
13-May-2022Legal aspects and data protection in relation to the CRIS systemZendulková, Danica ; Azeroual, Otmane 
17-May-2024Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead: Building on the Success of RIS SynergyErat, Vanessa ; Fürst, Elena ; Greil, Michael ; Harbich, Madeleine ; Hartmann, Simone ; Hicker, Ulrike ; Miniberger, Clemens ; Neff, Sabine 
16-May-2024Lessons Learned in the UK from Navigating the FAIR Open Science World: A Collaborative Approach Leveraging the CRIS for Transforming Scholarly CommunicationsZambianchi, Louise ; Sykes, Elaine ; Jägerhorn, Martin ; Rylewicz, Jan 
13-Jun-2014Let's do data research work: the creation of a portal with research information from Catalan UniversitiesRos i Gorné, Ramon ; Anglada, Lluís M. ; Reoyo, Sandra ; De la Vega, Ricard 
9-Jun-2016Let’s Talk : Interoperability between University CRIS/IR and Researchfish – a case study from the UKClements, Anna ; Viney, Ian ; Reddick, Gavin ; McCutcheon, Valerie ; Macandrew, Hamish ; Toon, James ; McArdle, Ian ; Collet, Sophie ; Wastl, Jürgen 
16-Jun-2018Let’s Talk Some More - Interoperability between University CRIS/IR and Researchfish – a follow up case study from the UKReddick, Gavin ; Clements, Anna ; McArdle, Ian 
16-May-2024Leveraging AI for Current Research Information Systems: Opportunities and ChallengesHartmann, Simone ; Niederlechner, Daniel 
11-Nov-2014Life Around a CRISMornati, Susanna ; Bollini, Andrea ; Mennielli, Michele