DRIS record Knowledge Base University of Economics in Katowice

Name of the CRIS
Knowledge Base University of Economics in Katowice
UEKAT Research Portal
UEKAT Research Portal is a system which provides information on the scientific output (published and non-published) of UE Katowice faculty members and PhD students. It is supported by the Omega-Psir software system environment designed and developed by the IT team at the Warsaw University of Technology.

The UEKAT Research Portal provides an excellent platform for researchers to promote their own research profiles and scientific achievements home and abroad. The interface makes it easy to look for and identify specialists in a given discipline and to help establish a pool of expertise and effective cooperation. Thanks to prompt and reliable communication that complies with Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar standards, the database enhances the visibility of the research and academic output of the University in the world. The data collected in the portal will constitute an invaluable source of information for reporting to the university governance (e.g. staff evaluation), national authorities or accreditation bodies etc.
