Events CRIS2014 Conference
CRIS2014 Conference
The CRIS 2014 conference dealt with recent trends in the management, availability, quality and use of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) in the context of e-Science, bringing together researchers, managers of research-performing or funding institutions, evaluators, librarians, ICT experts and policy makers. CRIS systems do increasingly lie at the the core of the information management infrastructure for all organisations involved with research: where it is performed, funded, assesssed. The growing emphasis on enhancing transparency of research, maximising the impact and knowledge transfer, improving dissemination of research results - covering publications, but also datasets and software - requires joint efforts for the achievement of a common vision on the research lifecycle, for the development of integrated information systems as well as for efficient policies that support e-Science infrastructure. The euroCRIS community has long been engaged in enhancing access to European Research Information. At this 12th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems discussion took place on how linking information systems can help to tackle fragmentation of the national, international and subject level and contribute to the enhancement of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. CRIS 2014 took place in the historic city of Rome under the patronage of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The conference was organised by the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (CNR-IRPPS) and euroCRIS. The target audience included managers of research-performing and/or funding institutions, evaluators, librarians, ICT experts, as well as policy makers. You can find the presentations of the CRIS2014 Conference in our euroCRIS Repository (choose above in the menu: "Repository").
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