Events CRIS2024 – Vienna
CRIS2024 – Vienna
Events Title
16th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems
CRIS 2024 is the sixteenth edition in a biennial series of conferences devoted to improving the availability of and access to research information systems across Europe. The target audience includes managers of research-performing and/or funding institutions, evaluators, librarians, ICT experts, as well as policy makers.
The general theme of the conference is “Emerging trends for international collaboration in the CRIS domain”, highlighting the opportunities and challenges posed by an increasing internationalisation of the conversation around research information management in areas like Open Science, National Research Portals or Artificial Intelligence. The venue for the event is ideally placed in Central Europe to allow participants from all quarters to become involved in these discussions.
The general theme of the conference is “Emerging trends for international collaboration in the CRIS domain”, highlighting the opportunities and challenges posed by an increasing internationalisation of the conversation around research information management in areas like Open Science, National Research Portals or Artificial Intelligence. The venue for the event is ideally placed in Central Europe to allow participants from all quarters to become involved in these discussions.
Start date
End date
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Results 1-20 of 71 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 16-May-2024 | Automatically Generated Profiles for Experts, Institutions and Working Groups | Welke, Birgit ; Krause, Bernhard |
2 | 15-May-2024 | The automation of subject indexing and the role of metadata in times of Large Language Models | Kasprzik, Anna |
3 | 16-May-2024 | BOKU University has been developing its own FIS for over 25 years and is now taking the next step | Mayr. Horst ; Hikl, Anna Laetitia ; Fellsner, Doris ; Wallner, Michael |
4 | 15-May-2024 | BrCris: A Catalyst for Advancing Open Science and Scientific Data Processing in Brazil | Souza, Marcel ; Segundo, Washington C. ; Silva, Vivian S. ; Junior, Rene Gabriel ; Dias, Thiago ; Oliveira, Alexandre |
5 | 15-May-2024 | Bridging the Gap: Research Data in Research Information Systems | Dullinger, Iwona ; Fröschl, Sonja ; Fürst, Elena ; Greil, Michael ; Kalová, Tereza ; Mahrer, Consuelo |
6 | 16-May-2024 | Building a solid foundation for better monitoring: Utilizing Persistent Identifiers in Serbian National CRIS to advance metadata quality and authorship association | Otasević, Vladimir ; Kosanović, Biljana ; Stijović, Dusan |
7 | 16-May-2024 | The C change in CRIS: comprehensive research information systems | Anderson, Jackson |
8 | 14-May-2024 | CERIF Tutorial: CRIS2024 Vienna | Ivanović, Dragan |
9 | 15-May-2024 | Challenges and Practices of the User Support Service in the Croatian Research Information System – CroRIS | Alilović, Zrinka ; Šarić, Helena ; Hoić, Maja ; Mayer, Marina ; Konjević, Sofija |
10 | 15-May-2024 | Cooperation in science and the possibilities of its evaluation based on data from the CRIS database | Zendulková, Danica ; Gavurníková, Gabriela ; Turňa, Ján |
11 | 16-May-2024 | CRIS Data: Potential and Challenges for Open Access Monitoring and Negotiations | Ulrych, Ursula ; Danowski, Patrick ; Schalken, Arjan ; Manola, Natalia ; Schöpfel, Joachim |
12 | 15-May-2024 | CRIS systems integration as a case study for the Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry | Kesäniemi, Joonas ; Suominen, Tommi ; Ivanović, Dragan ; Dvořák, Jan |
13 | 17-May-2024 | CRIS2024: An Update from the euroCRIS Board | Dvořák, Jan |
14 | 15-May-2024 | DAMAP: a tool for machine-actionable Data Management Plans | Molnar, Derek ; Miksa, Tomasz ; Stork, Christiane ; Futterer, Valentin ; Thaci, Laura ; Hasani-Mavriqi, Ilire ; Eckhard, David |
15 | 15-May-2024 | Data Flows in RIS Synergy | Hicker, Ulrike ; Neff, Sabine ; Puttinger, Jakob |
16 | 15-May-2024 | Decentralized Research Data Management: Introducing SoVisu+ | Reymond, David |
17 | 16-May-2024 | Developing Research Information Hub in Finland, a view from the Ministry | Haapamäki, Jukka |
18 | 17-May-2024 | Development of a culture on Research Data Management: experiences from the international RDMS-LatAm Project | Machado Rivero, Manuel Osvaldo ; Vancauwenbergh, Sadia ; Olivera Batista, Dianelis ; Limaymanta Álvarez, César Halley ; Ballivian Blanco, Andrea ; García Cartaya, Arelexys Antonia ; Peralta González, María Josefa ; Chávez, Georgina Aurelia ; Gonzales Cam, Celso Morelan ; Amado Tineo, José Percy ; Salvatierra Melgar, Angel ; Goovaerts, Marc ; Vlietinck, Hanne ; Meneses Placeres, Grizly |
19 | 17-May-2024 | Development of National CRIS Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Case Studies 2023 | Vázquez Tapia, Rosalina |
20 | 15-May-2024 | e-Infrastructures for Research and Education | Hanslik, Stefan |