Events CRIS2024 – Vienna

CRIS2024 – Vienna
Events Title
16th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems
CRIS 2024 is the sixteenth edition in a biennial series of conferences devoted to improving the availability of and access to research information systems across Europe. The target audience includes managers of research-performing and/or funding institutions, evaluators, librarians, ICT experts, as well as policy makers.

The general theme of the conference is “Emerging trends for international collaboration in the CRIS domain”, highlighting the opportunities and challenges posed by an increasing internationalisation of the conversation around research information management in areas like Open Science, National Research Portals or Artificial Intelligence. The venue for the event is ideally placed in Central Europe to allow participants from all quarters to become involved in these discussions.
Start date
End date
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria


Results 21-40 of 71 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2116-May-2024Ethical aspects using AI in CRISAzeroual, Otmane ; Schöpfel, Joachim ; Störl, Uta ; Marušić, Ana 
2216-May-2024Facilitating the discovery and identification of EOSC resourcesBennett, Mike ; Buys, Matt ; Eleftherakis, Stavroula ; Katsogiannis-Meimarakis, George ; Manghi, Paolo ; Vergoulis, Thanasis 
2315-May-2024Field report documenting the implementation of the FWF’s funding management system in conjunction with the national RIS Synergy initiativeSpringer-Briem, Susanne 
2416-May-2024Fostering and assessing societal impact orientation in research - the SynSICRIS monitoring tool as an extension of DSpace-CRIS 7Wolf, Birge ; Michaelis, Thorsten ; Becker, Pascal-Nikolas ; Digilio, Giuseppe ; Bollini, Andrea 
2515-May-2024From Open Repositories to CRIS. A Case StudySchöpfel, Joachim ; Azeroual, Otmane ; Chaudiron, Stéphane ; Jacquemin, Bernard ; Kergosien, Eric ; Prost, Hélène ; Thiault, Florence 
2615-May-2024Funding organization uses the regional CRIS as source for reporting research: the case of FWO and FRISde Bal, Ils ; Dengis, Pascale 
2715-May-2024Future and prospects of CRIS-informed funding support at TU WienMaszl, Christian 
2816-May-2024The Good, the Bad and the AI: the New Frontier of Research ManagementGurney, Thomas 
2915-May-2024How to use CRIS Systems to publish Research Data: The example of Boris Portal at University of BernSuntharam, Sumanghalyah ; Wermelinger, Julia 
3016-May-2024The importance for Ukrainian R&D system RI’s mapping and the Slovak case studyZharinov, Serhii ; Zendulková, Danica ; Zherebchuk, Sophia 
3117-May-2024Improving CRIS features to support new Open Access implementation workflows at institutionsDe Castro, Pablo 
3215-May-2024Improving Data Management Planning through service integration: a hands-on tutorial using DAMAPStork, Christiane ; Molnar, Derek ; Miksa, Tomasz ; Futterer, Valentin ; Eckhard, David ; Thaci, Laura 
3316-May-2024The Jisc Research Management Systems Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS): bringing transparency to CRIS procurement through an innovative codesign approachSmith, Kathryn ; Burland, Tamsin ; Okpokam, Ay 
3416-May-2024KISSUBITUC – is that AI?Schüßler, Wolfgang ; Eichler, Katrin ; Berger, Katharina ; Engfer, Andreas 
3516-May-2024Knowledge Graphs – The Future of Integration in CRIS Systems for Uses of Assistance to Scientific ReasoningFabre, Renaud ; Azeroual, Otmane 
3617-May-2024Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead: Building on the Success of RIS SynergyErat, Vanessa ; Fürst, Elena ; Greil, Michael ; Harbich, Madeleine ; Hartmann, Simone ; Hicker, Ulrike ; Miniberger, Clemens ; Neff, Sabine 
3716-May-2024Lessons Learned in the UK from Navigating the FAIR Open Science World: A Collaborative Approach Leveraging the CRIS for Transforming Scholarly CommunicationsZambianchi, Louise ; Sykes, Elaine ; Jägerhorn, Martin ; Rylewicz, Jan 
3816-May-2024Leveraging AI for Current Research Information Systems: Opportunities and ChallengesHartmann, Simone ; Niederlechner, Daniel 
3915-May-2024A list of recommendations to improve the workflow of dataset metadata in the Flemish research landscapeNeyens, Evy ; Dhollander, Evelien ; Bloemen, Dieuwertje ; Leonard, Kevin ; Brebels, Werner ; Wuyts, Tom ; Dengis, Pascale ; Portier, Marc ; Poelmans, Hanne 
4016-May-2024Ludzie Nauki: A national CRIS for PolandKorytkowski, Przemysław ; Michajłowicz, Marek