Corcho, Oscar
Claim profile
Corcho, Oscar

I am Associate Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), and I am currently involved in three major activities: - I lead a team of 15 people (including post-docs, PhD students and software engineers) at the Ontology Engineering Group. - I am involved at the Center for Open Middleware, a joint research centre between Banco Santander and UPM. - I co-founded LocaliData in 2013, a spin-off that aims at obtaining added value from the combination of open and closed data in the context of medium and large smart cities ( My work is mainly focused on applied research in the areas of Linked Data, Semantic e-Science and the Real World Internet, and I have also wide experience in Ontology Engineering. In these areas, I have participated, and led, a good number of EU and Spanish R&D projects, together with other knowledge-transfer projects funded by international companies and public organisations. I am also teaching one of the courses at the Master on Business Analytics and Big Data at Instituto de Empresa (, and have taught several courses on Open Data for civil servants, city information managers and data reusers. Previously, I worked as a Marie Curie research fellow at the University of Manchester, and as a research manager at iSOCO. I also took part in LikeCube, a startup working on personalised recommendation that was acquired by TimeOut in July 2011. Specialties: Linked Data, SPARQL, RDF, Ontologies, data streams, e-Science, R&D management