Cunha, Álvaro
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• Head of Laboratory of Vibrations and Monitoring of FEUP (ViBest, www.fe.up.pt/vibest) , which is is a facility / research unit of the Civil Engineering Department of FEUP that provides support to the performance of experimental and numerical works in the context of the development of research , consultancy and teaching activities in the field of Structural Dynamics, aiming in particular the experimental characterization of vibratory phenomena, the analysis, identification, monitoring and control of the structural behavior of bridges and special Civil structures under different types of dynamic loads. • Leader of 10 national or european Research Projects during the last 15 years, focused on the themes: (1) Dynamic measurements with Laser sensors, (2) Modal Identification of Large Structures and Finite Element Updating, (3) Dynamics of Cable-Stayed Bridges, (4) Dynamic Effects of Traffic Loads on Bridges, (5) Wind and Structures, (6) Fatigue assessment in metallic Railway Bridges, (7) Vibrations in Footbridges, (8) Control of Vibrations in Civil Structures, (9) Structural Health Monitoring, (10) Deterioration of Dams. • Main Responsible for scientific and technical consultancy to different entities, such as structural designers, construction companies, national transport agencies and production industries, in the following main topics: 1. Dynamic testing of bridges and special structures 2. Output-only modal identification and finite element model updating 3. Dynamics of cable-stayed bridges, Control of cable vibrations 4. Dynamic behaviour of suspended roofs 5. Bridge aerodynamics 6. Traffic induced effects and fatigue assessment in railway and road bridges 7. Dynamic behaviour of lively footbridges 8. Assessment, control and monitoring of vibrations in footbridges 9. Long-term dynamic monitoring of bridges, dams and special structures 10. Technological innovation in remote structural monitoring
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