Mühlebach, Felix
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Mühlebach, Felix

Biography Stefan Mühlebach Professor, PhD, Hospital Pharmacist FPH Stefan Mühlebach is Scientific Director in Global Regulatory Affairs at Vifor Pharma Ltd. in Switzerland. His main interest in regulatory science exists in the non-biological drugs (NBCDs) like i.v. iron products. Vifor, being a global leader of pharmaceutical products to treat iron deficiency, has since several decades a special expertise and experience in R & D, manufacturing, and marketing of such iron complex-based therapeutics world-wide. Stefan Mühlebach obtained a diploma in pharmacy (MSc Pharm) at the University of Bern in Switzerland in 1975, and a PhD in pharmacology and toxicology in 1979 with a faculty award- winning thesis on persistent compounds, a scientific project granted by the Swiss National Foundation and the Federal Office for the Environment till 2005. These environmental contaminates were investigated as model compounds in pharmacology to get insight into drug distribution and tissue storage in animals but also in the uptake and release mechanism in cell culture models. His first academic posting was as lecturer in pharmacology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern, where he presented his university habilitation in 1993. In 2000 he got his ”venia docendi” at the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel and at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, where he continued, beside student teaching, own research activities including directions of theses in pharmacology and applied science in pharmacology and clinical nutrition, also related to hospital pharmacy practice. He was appointed Professor of Pharmacology and Hospital Pharmacy at the University of Basel in 2004 and is affiliated to the Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Epidemiology as external group member*. *https://pharma.unibas.ch/research-groups/people/profile/person/muehlebach/?tx_x4epersdb_pi1%5BoriginPageID%5D=44842&cHash=42bcfbe93a4ca4a20bc6e61d8e5cea1a Stefan Mühlebach’s professional career has spanned 30 years. He was heading hospital pharmacies in Switzerland for 25 years (1980-2005), establishing the Swiss curriculum of the hospital pharmacy specialisation (Foederatio Pharmaceutica Helvetiae). He served as president of the Swiss Association of Public Health Administration and Hospital Pharmacists and became a honorary member in 2012. Stefan Mühlebach was working for Swissmedic, the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products 2005-2008 as Head of the Pharmacopoeia and Head of the Swiss Delegation at the EDQM in Strasbourg. In 2008 he joined Vifor Pharma, Switzerland, first as Head of the Scientific Department and Scientific Officer. He moved later into the international headquarter located in Zürich, Vifor Pharma Ltd, in the global regulatory department as Scientific Director. In 2010 he was appointed Chair of the Non-Biological Complex Drugs Working Group at TI Pharma (Top Institute Pharma, The Netherlands). Their mission is to provide science-based support for appropriate authorization of NBCD follow-on versions, some of them also being nanomedicines. Stefan Mühlebach has produced more than 50 peer-reviewed and indexed publications, several book chapters and many scientific reports. Beside his professional and university activities he is regularly lecturing in national and international conferences on topics of his expertise like regulatory science, clinical nutrition, and (hospital) pharmacy and pharmacology. After being nominated a Fellow of the Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2009, he served as a founding member of the Swiss Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2014 and was elected Vice-President Science in the board. (Apr 2014)