Tarasevich, Yuri Yu.

Tarasevich, Yuri Yu.
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Date of birth: 1963 - August - 16 Position: - Head of Chair, Chair of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, and - Head of Lab., Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling and IT in Science and Education, Astrakhan State University Education: Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia - 11.1988–11.1991, PhD (Solid State Physics) - 09.1980–06.1985, Dipl. Physicist - Awards: Price in Science and Engineering of Governor of Astrakhan Region (2003). FIELD OF INTERESTS Computational Physics, Mathematical Modeling, and Computer Simulation: - Dehydration Self-Organization and Pattern Formation in the Biological Fluids; - Percolation Theory and Its Applications; - Condensed Matter Physics (Phase Transitions). ICT in Education (Physics and Mathematics): - virtual laboratories (Java Applets, MATLAB Web Server) - mathematical packages (Mathcad, Maple, MATLAB, Origin, Scilab, etc) POST GRADUATE STUDENTS 1. Elena Manzhosova, thesis (2005): Modeling of Phase Transitions in Complex Perovskite-type Oxides: Percolation Approach. 2. Irina Ponomareva, thesis (2006): Development of Virtual Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling in Natural Science. 3. Tatyana Panchenko, thesis (2007): Comparative analysis of efficiency of genetic algorithms and Metropolis' algorithm in the problems of solid state physics. 4. Viktoriya Zelepukhina, thesis (2008): Data handling and visualization in the virtual laboratories of remote access based on model-oriented approach. 5. Irina Bubenshchikova, thesis (2010): Programm-methodical complex as method of increase of quality of teaching in the area of mathematical modeling. 6. Valentina Cherkasova, thesis (2010): Computer Simulations of concentration phase transitions in the systems of anisotrop particles upon ordering factors. 7. Olga Isakova, thesis (2011): Modeling of transfer processes and dynamics of the phase boundaries in desiccated drops laden with nano- and micro-particles. 8. Mohamed Soror Abdel Latif, thesis (2011): Modeling of the waves and hydrodynamical flows in the biological uids.
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