Poelmans, Hanne
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Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
115-May-2024A list of recommendations to improve the workflow of dataset metadata in the Flemish research landscapeNeyens, Evy ; Dhollander, Evelien ; Bloemen, Dieuwertje ; Leonard, Kevin ; Brebels, Werner ; Wuyts, Tom ; Dengis, Pascale ; Portier, Marc ; Poelmans, Hanne 
213-May-2022Flanders Research Information Space: an indispensable regional CRIS system to efficiently monitor progress in open scienceNeyens, Evy ; Poelmans, Hanne ; Vancauwenbergh, Sadia 
312-May-2022Flanders Research Information Space as a tool to monitor interdisciplinary research in FlandersVancraeynest, Bram ; Pham, Hoang-Son ; Poelmans, Hanne ; Vancauwenbergh, Sadia 
414-Jun-2018The creation of a harmonized, semantically enriched Flemish research discipline list: about pitfalls and opportunitiesVancauwenbergh, Sadia ; Poelmans, Hanne