euroCRIS session at VIVO2020 conference Collection home page

The euroCRIS session, whose schedule is available at, included presentations by Pablo de Castro (euroCRIS Secretary and University of Strathclyde), Dominik Feldschnieders (Universität Osnabrück), Loredana Rollandi (Università degli Studi di Milano) and Anna Guillaumet (SIGMA AIE) showcasing different institutional VIVO system configurations.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Jun-2020VIVO as a front-end for an underlying ‘monolithic’ CRIS (II):The UPF approach by SIGMA AIEGuillaumet, Anna 
17-Jun-2020Expertise & Skills (ES): The CINECA «Find an expert» solution based on VIVORollandi, Loredana ; Galimberti, Paola ; Bolelli Gallevi, Stefano 
17-Jun-2020VIVO as a standalone CRIS at Osnabrück UniversityFeldschnieders, Dominik ; Schulze, Sonja 
17-Jun-2020VIVO in the euroCRIS Directory of Research Information Systems (DRIS): a growing presence, multiple use casesDe Castro, Pablo 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 4 of 4