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dc.contributor.authorSuárez Fernández, Dignaen_US
dc.contributor.authorPeralta González, María Josefaen_US
dc.contributor.authorPiedra Salomón, Yelinaen_US
dc.identifier.citationProcedia Computer Science 211: 170-186 (2022)-
dc.descriptionExtended abstract to be presented at the CRIS2022 conference in Dubrovnik.-- Event programme available at
dc.descriptionPresentation delivered remotely. Recording available at
dc.description.abstract[ES] El creciente interés en potenciar la gestión de la información científica y visibilizar la actividad académica y científica de diversos actores han promovido la investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías que soporten los sistemas de información de investigación actuales (Current Research Information Systems-CRIS). Esta investigación tiene el propósito de analizar la cobertura y solapamiento de las bases de datos Web of Science (WoS), Scopus y Dimensions sobre la producción científica sobre los CRIS, mediante la comparación de los resultados que cada una ofrece en indicadores bibliométricos asociados a las variables DOCUMENTOS, REVISTAS y AUTORES. De un total de 1610 documentos recuperados, 51 están solapados en dos bases de datos (3%), 29 concuerdan en las tres bases de datos (2%) y 1530 constituyen documentos únicos (95%). Dimensions brinda el mayor número de resultados (1564 registros), le sigue Scopus con 108 registros y por último la WoS con 47.en_US
dc.description.abstract[EN] In recent years, academic publications related to the Current Research Information System in the Web of Science and Scopus multidisciplinary databases have increased. Other bibliographic data sources such as Dimensions have appeared. The objective of this study is to analyze the thematic coverage of the Current Research Information System in the Web of Science, Scopus and Dimensions databases during the period 2000-2020 for a holistic view of the behavior and visibility of the scientific literature in this domain. A search strategy has been designed and datasets exported from these sources are available in Zenodo. For the analysis, dimensions were defined with their variables and bibliometric indicators and the data was processed in the biblioshiny and VOSviewer tools. The Dimensions database provides broad coverage of the topic, which can be seen in the high number of records, sources and total citations retrieved. Scopus has a greater diversity of types of retrieved documents. In the analyzed indicators, it shares with the WoS a high degree of overlap in the other sources. The selectivity offered by Scopus and WoS consolidate it as sources for the recovery of literature related to CRIS. However, these three databases could be complemented with other sources, such as the euroCRIS repository, to retrieve information and obtain a holistic view of behavior, sources and authorship in the CRIS domain.-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCRIS2022: 15th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 12-14, 2022)-
dc.subjectcurrent research information systemsen_US
dc.subjectinternational literature databasesen_US
dc.titleCoverage of CRIS-related literature in WoS, Scopus and Dimensionsen_US
dc.title.alternativeCobertura de los Sistemas de Información de Investigación Actuales en WoS, Scopus y Dimensionsen_US
dc.typeConference Proceedingen_US
dc.relation.conferenceCRIS2022 – Dubrovniken_US
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.openairetypeConference Proceeding-
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