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Title: Let's do data research work: the creation of a portal with research information from Catalan Universities
Authors: Ros i Gorné, Ramon 
Anglada, Lluís M. 
Reoyo, Sandra 
De la Vega, Ricard 
Keywords: current research information systems;research information management;system interoperability;institutional repositories;data exchange;CERIF-XML;DSpace-CRIS;ORCID;Catalan University Services Consortium (CSUC);Catalan Research Portal (PRC)
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2014
Publisher: Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)
Source: Open Repositories 2014 (Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014). DSpace Interest Group Presentations
Catalan universities started working with repositories in 1999 when they undertook the building of an ETD repository under the coordination of two consortia: a library one (CBUC) and a supercomputing one (CESCA). Since then, they have been very active creating repositories and passing Open Access policies.

The experience gathered during all this years allowed that, for instance, the Pompeu Fabra and Politècnica de Catalunya universities connected their research information systems (CRIS) to their institutional repositories (IR), thus creating research information portals fed from both sources: CRIS and IR.

Once this was done, in 2013, the group of eleven Catalan universities agreed on the creation of the Catalan Research Portal (PRC). The making of this Portal is being led by the Catalan University Services Consortium (CSUC) and is testing the data interconnection from different systems to provide a unique interface visualization.

The PRC will be the portal for the current research activity taking place in Catalonia. Its main goals are: to jointly disseminate the research output of Catalan universities, to promote information and knowledge exchange and to promote open access to scientific outputs.
Presented at OR2014, Helsinki, Finland.-- 26 slides.

Original OR2014 presentation available at the University of Helsinki DORIA repository,
Appears in Collections:Outreach: Presentations

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