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Title: Comparative Study of Metadata for Scientific Information: The Place of CERIF in CRISs and Scientific Repositories
Authors: Jeffery, Keith G. 
Lopatenko, Andrei 
Asserson, Anne 
Keywords: CERIF;metadata standards;research information management;current research information systems;system interoperability;research repositories
Issue Date: Aug-2002
Publisher: euroCRIS
Kassel University Press
Source: Wolfgang Adamczak, Annemarie Nase (eds.), "Gaining Insight from Research Information": Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (2002), p. 77-86
Series/Report no.: CRIS2002: 6th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Kassel, August 29-31, 2002)
Conference: CRIS2002 Conference 
Metadata provides the human- and machine-accessible gateway to data, improves data to information, and provides the semantic context within which knowledge can be induced from information. Metadata is the means for using together scientific data from heterogeneous sources. A CRIS commonly holds data which, while useful in itself, commonly is also metadata describing more detailed data and information on projects, persons, organizations, products of R&D (patents, products, publications) equipment used for R&D and R&D funding. It is important, therefore, to classify the metadata formats used in various scientific repositories
in order to understand their scope and interoperability, and their relationship to CERIF representing CRISs. Metadata formats are reviewed according to intention, abstraction level and technology criteria. The place of CERIF in CRISs in this wider sense (including scientific repositories) is considered and compared with other metadata models and formats. The superiority of CERIF (in formalism and flexibility) is demonstrated.
Presented at the CRIS2002 Conference in Kassel.-- 10 pages.-- Contains: Conference paper (PDF) + PPT presentation.
ISBN: 3-933146-844
Appears in Collections:Conference

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