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Title: Monitoring ORCID adoption using a national and an institutional CRIS
Authors: Dvořák, Jan 
Chudlarský, Tomáš 
Špaček, Josef 
Keywords: research information management;persistent identifiers;ORCID;current research information systems;Czech Republic
Issue Date: 17-May-2024
Publisher: euroCRIS
Series/Report no.: CRIS2024: 16th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Vienna, Austria, May 15-17, 2024)
Conference: CRIS2024 – Vienna 
We evaluate the level of adoption of ORCID identifiers based on the data of the Czech national CRIS and of the ORCID public data dump. By analyzing this data we establish the proportion of researchers with ORCID profiles. We look into the level of activity of these profiles and we also study the ramp-up periods of reporting ORCID iDs by Czech research performing organizations.

A section of this picture is further refined using an institutional CRIS: we identify key factors that predict the level of activity of the ORCID records. We also describe the process and timeline of collecting of ORCID iDs in the CTU institutional CRIS.

We observe that the adoption of ORCID iDs by researchers in Czech research performing organizations is underway, but far from complete. Institutions’ level of adoption and reporting vary considerably, showing that different institutions are at different stages of the adoption curve. An example shows that with time the adoption can become close to complete.
Extended abstract presented at the CRIS2024 conference in Vienna.-- Event programme available at

53 slides.-- Presentation delivered within Session 8 "Perspectives" on Fri May 17th, 2024
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.11.074
Appears in Collections:Conference

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