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Title: Using Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) to showcase national and institutional research (potential): research information in the context of open science and university marketing
Authors: Biesenbender, Sophie 
Petersohn, Sabrina 
Thiedig, Christoph 
Keywords: research information management;current research information systems;open science;research potential indicators
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2018
Publisher: euroCRIS
Source: "FAIRness of Research Information": Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS2018)
Procedia Computer Science 146: 142-155 (2019)
Series/Report no.: CRIS2018: 14th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Umeå, June 13-16, 2018)
Conference: CRIS2018 – Umeå 
High quality data about research activities and processes, so called research information (RI), is of strategic relevance and vital importance for both, science communication and for research governance and policy. They can be used in multiple contexts, ranging from public relations and networking to monitoring and reporting activities as well as performance-based funding (Biesenbender & Hornbostel, 2016).

Research information comprises information on a research institution’s (scientific) staff and structure, projects, third-party funding, publications, patents etc. The efficient processing of institutional research information in higher education and research institutions is a complex task, which in many cases involves the implementation and use of integrated current research information systems (CRIS).

The expectations towards the performance and benefits of these systems are often high: the goal is amongst others to process information for different purposes and uses in an organised and efficient way (DINI-AG Research Information Systems [AG FIS], 2015, p. 24). Current developments suggest that the strategic and communicative value of research information is on the rise (Herwig & Schlattmann, 2016; cf. Schöpfel, Prost, & Rebouillat, 2017; Walters, Ritchie, & Kilb, 2016): On the
one hand, RI are of importance for institutional marketing and outreach purposes, such as reporting to the general public. On the other hand, efficient communication and co-operation between researchers requires visibility and traceability by their peers, which in turn can be supported by publicly available information on both, the scientists themselves, their projects, publications as well as interests etc. (i.e. “research information”) and their scientific output, such as “research data” or “primary research data”.
Presentation delivered at the CRIS2018 Conference Umeå within parallel session 6 "Models and Data Integration I"

Contains extended abstract accepted at the conference and presentation (16 slides) delivered at the event
Appears in Collections:Conference

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