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Title: How to make research information FAIR: DSpace-CRIS and best practices in open research information
Authors: Mornati, Susanna 
Bollini, Andrea 
Pascarelli, Luigi Andrea 
Keywords: research information management;FAIR data principles;current research information systems;DSpace-CRIS
Issue Date: 16-Jun-2018
Publisher: euroCRIS
Series/Report no.: CRIS2018: 14th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Umeå, June 13-16, 2018)
Conference: CRIS2018 – Umeå 
In 2014, a group of scientists and stakeholders in the Data Science community created the FAIR Data Publishing Group in the context of Force11 (a community of scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers and research funders that facilitates the change toward improved knowledge creation and sharing), to debate about how to enhance the ecosystem of research data. The output was a set of guiding principles and practices to make users able to more easily discover, access, interoperate, and reuse, the vast amount of data generated by research. These principles should enable implementation of compliant tools that support FAIRness of data management.

Since the publication of these principles in 2016, initiatives have multiplied to define what FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) means in a variety of contexts, for human interpretation and machine-to-machine action, particularly in the repositories ecosystem, representing
the place where research data should be deposited, indexed, preserved and made available to the scholarly community.
25 slides.-- Presentation delivered at the CRIS2018 Conference Umeå within parallel session 13 "FAIR Principles"

Contains extended abstract accepted at the conference.-- See full event programme at
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