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Title: The creation of the Flemish research discipline list, a huge step forward in harmonizing research information (systems)
Authors: Vancauwenbergh, Sadia 
Poelmans, Hanne 
Keywords: research information management;classification schemes;research disciplines;harmonisation;Flanders
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2018
Publisher: euroCRIS
Source: "FAIRness of Research Information": Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS2018)
Procedia Computer Science 146: 265-278 (2019)
Series/Report no.: CRIS2018: 14th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Umeå, June 13-16, 2018)
Conference: CRIS2018 – Umeå 
In 2011, a report was written by Peters et al. on the administrative simplification of research reporting in Flanders. Next to the description of several data flows that could be harmonized, validated and merged into CRIS systems, the report also contained important recommendations on the use of common standards and classifications that could lead to more efficient and qualitative research information (systems) and thus more efficient research reporting. As such, in Flanders several classifications are used in research reporting, i.e. research discipline codes are used for denoting a researcher’s discipline, while financial codes are used for reporting on the funding type, and technology and publication codes are used for depicting innovation sectors and publication types respectively,...

Next to the variety of classification schemes itself, each classification scheme has multiple classification lists depending on the authority to whom a researcher is obliged to report. This has led in the past to the existence of several research discipline lists for a region as small as
Flanders. Therefore, one of the most important recommendations of the report by Peters et al. (2011) was the creation of a single research discipline code list that could be used to tag information inside CRIS systems for reporting, dissemination and visualisation purposes. The
uniform definition and management of the semantics of this research discipline code list for all research actors in Flanders could have an immediate impact on the accuracy of reporting and the policy pursued on the basis thereof. In addition, such managed classification systems can
be used in dynamic research information systems that drastically reduce the administrative burden of the research population, which automatically entails an important investment in research and innovation.
Presentation delivered at the CRIS2018 Conference Umeå within parallel session 6 "Models and Data Integration I"

Contains extended abstract accepted at the conference and presentation (24 slides) delivered at the event
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