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Showing results 592 to 611 of 1061 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-May-2015Measurement of research impact in OpenAIRE 2020: via text mining or the CRISs?Dijk, Elly 
14-Jun-2018Measuring research in the University via senior academic promotions and faculty research metricsKiely, Kevin ; Brennan, Niamh ; Hayes, Ashling 
27-Sep-2021Medical University of Łódź: How are institutions dealing with the early-stage project management workflows?Kozakiewicz, Witold ; Jagiełło, Piotr 
11-Sep-2012MERIL: An e-infrastructure to connect Research InfrastructuresBrasse, Valérie 
10-Sep-2013Metadata in Research Information: Conclusions & Take-Home MessagesSimons, Eduard 
Sep-2013Metadata in Research Information: Tour de TableSimons, Eduard 
27-May-2011Metadata: concentrating on the data not on the schemeSubirats, Imma ; Zeng, Marcia 
Aug-2002Metasearch engine for Austrian research informationAndricík, Marek 
2-Apr-2014Methodology for Evaluation of Outputs of R&D Organisations in Czech Republic from 2013Matějka, Martin 
27-Nov-2018METIS2OpenAIRE: an update on the process for implementing the CERIF-XML Guidelines for CRIS managersDvořák, Jan ; De Castro, Pablo 
14-Jun-2018*metrics: MEasuring The Reliability and perceptions of Indicators for interactions with sCientific productSWiemann, Moritz ; Orth, Astrid ; Giesler, Martin ; Beucke, Daniel 
27-May-2011MICE: Measuring research impacts with CERIFGartner, Richard 
9-Nov-2016Migrating Data to CRIS: Methods, Issues and ChallengesSantipantakis, George ; Koukourikos, Antonis ; Vouros, George 
28-Nov-2018The (mis)alignment of Open Science and research evaluation: addressing complexity with existing resources and context-sensitive evaluationTatum, Clifford ; De Rijcke, Sarah 
9-Jun-2016Modelling National Research Information Contexts based on CERIFQuix, Christoph ; Riechert, Matthias 
14-Nov-2013Modular and Extensible CRIS with SIIUE/R&DMadeira, Nelson 
10-Jun-2016Monitoring a National Open Access Funder MandateCarvalho, José ; Laranjeira, Cátia ; Moreira, João Mendes ; Vaz, Vasco 
12-May-2022Monitoring Open Science policy using a regional CRIS – the Flanders case with FRISDengis, Pascale ; de Bal, Ils 
17-May-2024Monitoring ORCID adoption using a national and an institutional CRISDvořák, Jan ; Chudlarský, Tomáš ; Špaček, Josef 
2014MOOC 2014: should universities enter the competition?Epelboin, Yves