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Title: The importance of students' collaboration in the improvement of new learning environments
Authors: Lopes Pinto, Maria 
Marques, Eva 
Valente, Luis 
Keywords: learning spaces;web application;ICT for teaching and learning;student collaboration;knowledge application;personal development
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: EUNIS
Journal: EUNIS Journal of Higher Education
Series/Report no.: EUNIS Journal of Higher Education IT - Issue 2014/1; Supporting teaching and learning; EUNIS2014 Congress Issue;
In face of the geographic distribution of its premises within the city of Porto and to its decentralized model of governance,U.Porto developed a strategy to reinforce cohesion, the sharing of resources and services. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) plays a major role on this strategy. The need to create new and innovative places were students andfaculty can socialize and engage in studying activities, promoting the interdisciplinary, exchange of knowledge and experience is one of the successful aspect of the strategy.

The contribution of the e-learning café of U.Porto and the successful implementation of its program, focused on diversepedagogical and cultural activities, to the acquisition of students’ attitudes and skills essential to handle professionalrelationships and to facilitate learning, personal development and entrepreneurship, is now of main importance for manyhigher education students.

We intend to present the successes of the outcomes of student’s involvement to solve a specific problem, having in mind theoffer of a better service to the users of the e-learning café and facilitate the work of the students’ team that work at thespace.
ISSN: 2409-1340
Appears in Collections:Eunis Journal of Higher Education IT (EJHEIT)

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