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Title: Making examinations more valid, meaningful and motivating: the online exams service at ETH Zurich
Authors: Halbherr, Tobias 
Reuter, Kai 
Schneider, Daniel 
Schlienger, Claudia 
Piendl, Thomas 
Keywords: online exam;e-assessment;computer based assessment;summative assessment;competence orientation;authentic assessment;ILA;IT-service;learning management system;safe exam browser
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: EUNIS
Journal: EUNIS Journal of Higher Education
Series/Report no.: EUNIS Journal of Higher Education IT - Issue 2014/1; Supporting teaching and learning; EUNIS2014 Congress Issue;
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the institution-wide online exams service at the Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology (ETH) Zurich. It is intended for stakeholders in faculty, administration, IT, and didactic support units who wish topromote and implement a similar service at their own institutions. Based on pedagogical and psychometric considerations, a case is made for how online exam environments can help to improve the quality of examinations in higher education bymaking performance assessments more accurate and valid, as well as more motivating and meaningful to students.Throughout the subsequent outline of the online exams service at ETH, we focus on identifying the elements critical tofulfilling these aims. This includes a discussion of the organization, development, and operation of the service and thedidactic and technical support for examiners. We provide blueprints of our online exam setups, and demonstrate how evencomplex online exam environments incorporating a mix of applications, files and websites can be made secure. The paperfinishes with a discussion and an outlook regarding our current and planned service development projects.
ISSN: 2409-1340
Appears in Collections:Eunis Journal of Higher Education IT (EJHEIT)

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