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Title: Opening up the 'treasure chests': the use of Research Information Management Systems for Open Science implementation at research libraries
Authors: De Castro, Pablo 
Keywords: research information management;research libraries;open science;open access;research data management;University of Strathclyde
Issue Date: 2-Mar-2019
Publisher: euroCRIS
Series/Report no.: 2nd International Conference “Changing Landscape of Science & Technology Libraries" (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India)
Conference: 2nd International Conference “Changing Landscape of Science & Technology Libraries" (CLSTL2019) 
Research libraries at universities are playing an increasingly relevant role in the implementation of Open Science onto the institutional research outputs. This research support task, that mainly involves dealing with Open Access to publications and Research Data Management, is significantly simplified when libraries are able to rely for the purpose on institutional RIM systems or CRISs. The presentation will showcase the way the research library at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow supports the implementation of Open Science by means of the institutional Pure CRIS. A summary will subsequently be offered for the results of the OCLC/euroCRIS survey on RIM practices worldwide. One of the main findings described in the report for the survey was that libraries worldwide are increasingly involved in the curation and application of the research information stored in CRISs.
30 slides.-- Presentation delivered at the 2nd International Conference “Changing Landscape of Science & Technology Libraries (CLSTL 2019)" held Feb 28-Mar 2, 2019 at the Indian Institute of Technology in Gandhinagar, India.
DOI: 10.25610/2he6-h284
Appears in Collections:Outreach: Presentations

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