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Showing results 228 to 247 of 1090 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-May-2024DAMAP: a tool for machine-actionable Data Management PlansMolnar, Derek ; Miksa, Tomasz ; Stork, Christiane ; Futterer, Valentin ; Thaci, Laura ; Hasani-Mavriqi, Ilire ; Eckhard, David 
10-Nov-2015Data and classification governance, a prerequisite for semantic interoperability of research information systemsVancauwenbergh, Sadia 
15-May-2024Data Flows in RIS SynergyHicker, Ulrike ; Neff, Sabine ; Puttinger, Jakob 
13-May-2022Data Integration for the Study of Outstanding Productivity in Biomedical ResearchAubert, Clément ; Balas, Andrew ; Townsend, Tiffany ; Sleeper, Noah ; Tran, CJ 
14-May-2014Data Intensive Science: Shades of GreyJeffery, Keith G. ; Asserson, Anne 
21-Nov-2017A data journey: From the lab bench to FAIR data reportingZigoni, Alberto 
9-Jun-2016Data Management Administration Online (DMAOnline)Khokhar, Masud ; Schwamm, Hardy ; Krug, John ; Albin-Clark, Adrian 
9-Jun-2016Data quality assessment and improvement: a Vrije Universiteit Brussel case studyVan den Berghe, Steven ; Van Gaeveren, Kyle 
1-Feb-2018Data Quality Measures and Data Cleansing for Research Information SystemsAzeroual, Otmane ; Saake, Gunter ; Abuosba, Mohammad 
22-Nov-2021Data4RI PolicyZbornik, Pavel 
12-May-2022The Data4RI Policy Initiative and the do's of National Research PortalsSchlag, Paul 
12-May-2022DataCite and FAIR WorkflowsReher, Ida Sofie ; Chen, Xiaoli ; Jägerhorn, Martin 
9-Sep-2013Dataset MetadataKoskela, Rebecca 
Aug-2002DBClear: A Generic System for ClearinghousesHellweg, Heiko ; Hermes, Bernd ; Stempfhuber, Maximilian ; Enderle, W. ; Fischer, T. 
13-May-2014Deceiving simplicity. Balancing the need for ready-to-use research information with the semantic and technical complexity of research dataVanhaverbeke, Hannelore ; Beullens, Sabina ; Timmermans, Lieve ; Gijsbers, Klara ; Bras, Bieke ; Maeyaert, Christelle 
13-May-2022Decentralization and duplication: Research information management in the United StatesBryant, Rebecca ; De Castro, Pablo 
14-Jun-2018Decentralized Persistent Identifer Design: a basic model for immutable handlersSicilia, Miguel Angel ; García-Barriocanal, Elena ; Sánchez-Alonso, Salvador ; Cuadrado, Juan José 
15-May-2024Decentralized Research Data Management: Introducing SoVisu+Reymond, David 
9-Jun-2016DeGóis – The Portuguese National Academic CV PlatformPinto, Carlos Sousa ; Lopes, Pedro Leitão ; Valério, Luis Pedro ; Amaral, Luis 
29-May-2019Deploying CRIS systems in reporting on public research fundingVancauwenbergh, Sadia