Browsing by Subject national CRIS

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Showing results 57 to 76 of 79 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-May-2019The Research Information Hub as an access point to Finnish researchPuuska, Hanna-Mari 
15-May-2024Research Information on an International Level: Understanding the diverse landscape of national and regional CRISErat, Vanessa ; Fürst, Elena ; Harbich, Madeleine ; Hartmann, Simone ; Hicker, Ulrike ; Greil, Michael ; Miniberger, Clemens ; Neff, Sabine 
10-Sep-2012Research information systems in SwedenKronman, Ulf – the Finnish research information hubPuuska, Hanna-Mari 
15-May-2024The Role of CRIS as a Glue for National e-infrastructure and Digital Services for Open ScienceUdovičić, Petra ; Balenović, Neven ; Orel, Ognjen 
15-May-2024The role of CroRIS in promoting Open Science in CroatiaKončić, Ivana ; Konjević, Sofija ; Hoić, Maja ; Macan, Bojan 
13-Sep-2023The role of national and regional CRIS in the implementation of PIDsDe Castro, Pablo 
28-Nov-2024The role of national CRIS in the quality of higher educationBalenović, Neven ; Mayer, Marina ; Orel, Ognjen ; Jugović, Aleksandra Pikić 
26-Oct-2023The Role of URIS and Research Information Management Systems (RIMS) in the Implementation of Open ScienceDe Castro, Pablo 
2-Apr-2014SK CRIS as a Tool for Integration of Data on Research and Development at the National LevelZendulková, Danica 
13-Aug-2015The SK-CRIS Information System on Research, Development and InnovationZendulková, Danica 
11-May-2015Some figures on Research in FrancePouliquen, Isabelle ; Seroussi, Géraldine 
21-Nov-2017State Aid System for R&D and Information System on R&D&IZendulka, Lukáš 
8-Jun-2012The System SK CRIS, Scientific Publications and Theses – Mirror of Slovak ScienceTurňa, Ján ; Noge, Juraj ; Zendulková, Danica 
15-May-2024Systematic Analysis of National CRIS on the euroCRIS DRIS to Inform the Development of the Ukrainian National CRIS URISShapovalov, Yevhenii ; Lutay, Larysa ; Auhunas, Sabina ; Shapovalov, Viktor ; De Castro, Pablo 
15-May-2024Testing Strategies for the National CRISrael CommunityLazar-Shoef, Tzipy 
9-Jun-2016Towards the Information System for Research Programmes of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of SerbiaIvanović, Dragan ; Surla, Dušan ; Trajanović, Miroslav ; Mišić, Dragan ; Konjović, Zora 
28-Nov-2024An update from Dialnet in the Spanish Research EcosystemSánchez, Oscar 
1-Jun-2023An update on the CRISCROS WG activityFürst, Elena 
14-Jun-2018Use of National and International Research Infrastructures in Evaluation of International Project Award Potential of Slovak Research InstitutionsShearman, Adriana ; Zendulková, Danica