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Showing results 393 to 412 of 1060 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-May-2010Formalizing a CERIF Semantics to connect CRISs and IRsJörg, Brigitte 
16-May-2024Fostering and assessing societal impact orientation in research - the SynSICRIS monitoring tool as an extension of DSpace-CRIS 7Wolf, Birge ; Michaelis, Thorsten ; Becker, Pascal-Nikolas ; Digilio, Giuseppe ; Bollini, Andrea 
14-Jun-2018Fostering Open Science at FraunhoferKüsters, Ulrike ; Klages, Tina 
9-Jun-2016FRIS R3 - CERIF XML in large scale exchange of research informationVestdam, Thomas ; Plauborg, Brian ; Van Campe, Leen 
11-Nov-2014FRIS: a Research Information Infrastructure in Flanders. Integrating the Aspects of Interoperability, Policy and GovernanceVan Grootel, Geert 
31-May-2023FRIS: Exploring and introducing the CERIF-object Research Infrastructures and its golden record-viewDengis, Pascale ; de Bal, Ils 
9-Jun-2012From a national CRIS along the road to Green Open Access – and back again: Building infrastructure from CRIStin to Institutional Repositories in NorwayWenaas, Lars ; Karlstrøm, Nina ; Vatnan, Tore 
11-May-2006From CRIS to CRIS: Integration and InteroperabilityHornbostel, Stefan 
22-Nov-2017From data collection to FAIR use in CRIS. The case of University of ViennaMiniberger, Clemens ; Reding, Steve 
Nov-2018From Data Collection to FAIR Use in CRIS. The Case of University of ViennaMiniberger, Clemens ; Reding, Steve 
10-Sep-2012From Data to Knowledge: the CODATA-O3D approach. Research data beyond 2020Cutting-Decelle, Anne-Françoise ; Caliste, Jean-Pierre ; Vazille, Robert 
10-May-2010From Gutenberg to Berners-Lee: the Need for MetadataSimons, Eduard 
13-May-2014From Open Data to Data-Intensive Science through CERIFJeffery, Keith G. ; Asserson, Anne ; Houssos, Nikos ; Brasse, Valérie ; Jörg, Brigitte 
15-May-2024From Open Repositories to CRIS. A Case StudySchöpfel, Joachim ; Azeroual, Otmane ; Chaudiron, Stéphane ; Jacquemin, Bernard ; Kergosien, Eric ; Prost, Hélène ; Thiault, Florence 
16-Jun-2018From PURE to DSpace-CRISWeidt, Gunnar ; Goldschmidt, Oliver ; Rajski, Beate 
19-Jul-2018Fund@net FAIR Data: InteroperabilidadPérez Nicomedes, Carlos 
12-Nov-2014Fund@net Research Information Management SuiteAlciturri Gandarillas, Vicente 
31-May-2023A funder’s perspective on how linking and integrating research data can advance Open Science and research assessmentMertens, Jan 
15-May-2024Funding organization uses the regional CRIS as source for reporting research: the case of FWO and FRISde Bal, Ils ; Dengis, Pascale 
15-May-2024Future and prospects of CRIS-informed funding support at TU WienMaszl, Christian