Browsing by Subject national CRIS

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Showing results 5 to 24 of 79 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Nov-2023The Case Study on ”European Integration of National-level services” of FAIRCORE4EOSCNikkanen, Joonas 
27-Nov-2018Central systems for collecting data on science and higher education -- role and evolution in the light of the Polish LegislationMichajłowicz, Marek ; Paszkowska, Małgorzata 
10-Sep-2013Contextual Metadata – the FRIS modelling contextVan Grootel, Geert 
20-Nov-2019Creating the Croatian National CRISOrel, Ognjen 
14-Oct-2021CRIS tools, governance and development modelDe Castro, Pablo 
28-Nov-2024CRISCROS Working Group meeting at the euroCRIS SMM2024 in ParisMiniberger, Clemens ; Swoboda, Natalie 
28-May-2019CRIStin in the Norwegian research landscapeKarlsen, Espen Sandøe ; Lingjærde, Grete Christina 
12-May-2022Croatian National CRIS - Advances and ChallengesOrel, Ognjen ; Macan, Bojan 
1-Jun-2023CroRIS Data Quality Issues and Possible SolutionsUdovičić, Petra ; Orel, Ognjen 
2-Dec-2022CroRIS Development UpdateBalenović, Neven ; Kremenjaš, Davorin ; Orel, Ognjen 
21-May-2021The CroRIS Project: A National CRIS in CroatiaKremenjaš, Davorin 
7-Jun-2012CSTIS, Policy Making Body for National Research Information System in IranMehrtash, Pouneh ; Fatemi, Omid 
19-Jul-2018The current RIM landscape: findings from the 2018 RIM survey – with an insight into national CRIS systemsDe Castro, Pablo 
14-Jun-2018Current Status of Research Information Management in PeruMelgar-Sasieta, Héctor-Andrés ; Brossard-Núñez, Ian-Paul ; Olivares-Poggi, César-Augusto 
12-May-2022The Data4RI Policy Initiative and the do's of National Research PortalsSchlag, Paul 
29-May-2019Deploying CRIS systems in reporting on public research fundingVancauwenbergh, Sadia 
20-Nov-2019Deployment of the Finnish Interoperability Platform in the Design of the Research Information HubSuominen, Tommi 
12-May-2022Developing a national science & technology funding registry in PortugalLaranjeira, Cátia ; Nabais, Joana ; Gomes, Daniel ; Lopes. Pedro ; Moreira, João Mendes 
16-May-2024Developing Research Information Hub in Finland, a view from the MinistryHaapamäki, Jukka 
17-May-2024Development of National CRIS Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Case Studies 2023Vázquez Tapia, Rosalina