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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 843
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Nov-2024Programme for the Autumn 2024 euroCRIS Strategic Membership Meeting in Paris
28-Nov-2024CRISCROS Working Group meeting at the euroCRIS SMM2024 in ParisMiniberger, Clemens ; Swoboda, Natalie 
28-Nov-2024Improving affiliation data in ORCID for enhanced research visibility and integrityMarín Arraiza, Paloma 
28-Nov-2024The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information (DORI)Waltman, Ludo 
27-Nov-2024OpenAIRE and research information management systemsPispiringas, Leonidas 
27-Nov-2024Equipment Data: A national approach to optimising equipment data management and discovery in the UKNotay, Balviar 
27-Nov-2024Mapping the German Research Information System LandscapePetersohn, Sabrina 
27-Nov-2024An update from the NVA projectGarshol, Jan Erik 
27-Nov-2024Monitoring Open Science beyond publications: the French Open Science Monitor on research data and softwareBracco, Laetitia 
27-Nov-2024AI for metadata quality improvement in a CRIS: automating data processes for researchers' benefitReymond, David ; Dornbusch, Joachim 
27-Nov-2024INRAE Open Science policy and monitoringHologne, Odile 
28-Nov-2024SMM2024: An Update from the euroCRIS BoardDvořák, Jan 
28-Nov-2024Beyond boundaries: Building the next Generation of Research Management SystemsMahé, Yann 
28-Nov-2024Observations and Insights from the Pure International Conference 2024Mcleod, Amy ; Toon, James 
28-Nov-2024Open Science Caribbean Research Information SystemMadé, Manuel ; Jiménez, Elsi ; Calderón, Berniza 
28-Nov-2024Alignment of VIVO ontology and platform with the CodeMeta schemaPopović, Miloš ; Mršulja, Ivan ; Ivanović, Dragan 
28-Nov-2024The role of national CRIS in the quality of higher educationBalenović, Neven ; Mayer, Marina ; Orel, Ognjen ; Jugović, Aleksandra Pikić 
28-Nov-2024COAR Notify Project one year later: from the wireframe to the first official releasesPiščanc, Jordan ; Buso, Irene 
28-Nov-2024PID landscape in Germany: an insight into the project's surveysCzerniak, Andreas 
28-Nov-2024The Barcelona Declaration at the University of Milan: how to enable Open Research Information with free open tools such as DSpace-CRISGalimberti, Paola ; Piščanc, Jordan ; Buso, Irene 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 843