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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 843
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Nov-2024Supervised research information import into CRISs from global sourcesMršulja, Ivan ; Popović, Miloš ; Ivanović, Dragan 
28-Nov-2024An update from Dialnet in the Spanish Research EcosystemSánchez, Oscar 
28-Nov-2024The AI4CRIS working group: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Research Information SystemsGuillaumet, Anna ; Hartmann, Simone ; Lopes, António Luís 
28-Nov-2024Artificial Intelligence in Ludzie NaukiKorytkowski, Przemysław ; Michajłowicz, Marek 
27-Nov-2024Ohio Innovation Exchange: A Ten Plus University Consortia Driving Discovery in Research and InnovationAgnoli, Jeffrey 
27-Nov-2024Handling research infrastructures within Research.fiNikkanen, Joonas 
27-Nov-2024INRAE and the Wheat InitiativeAlaux, Michael 
27-Nov-2024scanR - Explore public data on French research and innovationJeangirard, Éric 
14-May-2024CERIF Tutorial: CRIS2024 ViennaIvanović, Dragan 
16-May-2024Facilitating the discovery and identification of EOSC resourcesBennett, Mike ; Buys, Matt ; Eleftherakis, Stavroula ; Katsogiannis-Meimarakis, George ; Manghi, Paolo ; Vergoulis, Thanasis 
17-May-2024State of Research Data Management in Latin American Universities 2022Amado Tineo, José Percy ; Olivera Batista, Dianelis ; Machado Rivero, Manuel Osvaldo ; Vancauwenbergh, Sadia ; Limaymanta Álvarez, César Halley ; Gonzales Cam, Celso Morelan ; Peralta González, María Josefa ; García Cartaya, Arelexys Antonia ; Ballivian Blanco, Andrea ; Meneses Placeres, Grizly ; Chávez, Georgina Aurelia ; Salvatierra Melgar, Angel ; Vlietinck, Hanne ; Goovaerts, Marc 
17-May-2024CRIS2024: An Update from the euroCRIS BoardDvořák, Jan 
17-May-2024What could current research information be used for?Schneider, Jens 
16-May-2024Transforming the Research Landscape: The Intersection of Open Science, Open Infrastructure and CRISManola, Natalia 
15-May-2024e-Infrastructures for Research and EducationHanslik, Stefan 
15-May-2024Research Information on an International Level: Understanding the diverse landscape of national and regional CRISErat, Vanessa ; Fürst, Elena ; Harbich, Madeleine ; Hartmann, Simone ; Hicker, Ulrike ; Greil, Michael ; Miniberger, Clemens ; Neff, Sabine 
17-May-2024Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead: Building on the Success of RIS SynergyErat, Vanessa ; Fürst, Elena ; Greil, Michael ; Harbich, Madeleine ; Hartmann, Simone ; Hicker, Ulrike ; Miniberger, Clemens ; Neff, Sabine 
17-May-2024Improving CRIS features to support new Open Access implementation workflows at institutionsDe Castro, Pablo 
17-May-2024Monitoring ORCID adoption using a national and an institutional CRISDvořák, Jan ; Chudlarský, Tomáš ; Špaček, Josef 
16-May-2024The C change in CRIS: comprehensive research information systemsAnderson, Jackson 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 843